If ever you thought that travelling on the roads of Bangalore is a nightmare then believe me your nightmares are not going to change any time soon. I travel daily to and from between my home and work place which is around 27KM. This is the most heart breaking part of my day and it has to happen 5 days in a week from Monday till Friday. I encounter horns, dust, foul languages, fallen building constructs, rising buildings.
I am sure all these are adding to the Bangalore’s development but it certainly is making us uncivilized. I remember when my dad use to say me; Bangalore is one place where you want to go finally after retirement. But now if you ask my dad he would prefer to stay in Patna. That where I come from. Its not that I am just trying to find the fault in the city or city people or the city administration; it’s just that I am now bored of facing that same heart breaking sequence of my travel to and from Office. This definitely needs a change, may be something good or even worse. But it’s needed.
Who know it might be tomorrow or even day after tomorrow. I wish it comes soon.